by Ian Garlic | Mar 16, 2015 | Legal, Marketing, Referral Marketing
Referrals are an essential source of business for most law firms and they provide the highest quality clients to work with so getting more of them should be a priority. As an experienced attorney marketing firm we are familiar with both the need for referrals and with... by Ian Garlic | Mar 12, 2015 | Attorney Problems, authenticWEB, Legal, Marketing, News, Referral Marketing
Click here to watch part two of this video series and learn the 9 systems that will get you more referrals for your law firm. According to Wikipedia referral marketing is, “a method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually word of... by Ian Garlic | Nov 21, 2014 | authenticACTION, Social Media
One of the worst things you can do on your business’s social media sites is to strictly post information – random articles about your industry that don’t connect you with your audience. We’ve talked in the past about sharing your stories on... by Ian Garlic | Nov 12, 2014 | authenticWEB, SEO, Video, VSEO
Every business should consider implementing a global SEO strategy even if world domination is not what you are looking to achieve. If you own a business, especially in a place that receives a lot of international tourists, you could gain a lot of clients just by doing... by Ian Garlic | Oct 24, 2014 | authenticACTION, authenticWEB, SM Marketing, Social Media
At authenticWEB, we always strive for authenticity. We also tell you to use testimonials as much as possible. People connect to authenticity, which is the story or the “Why” behind what you do. It’s what gets you going and keeps you going in your job. For me, I love...