by Ian Garlic | Jul 29, 2010 | Blog Strategies
All-In-One SEO Pack makes it easy to optimize WordPress blog pages and posts for better search engine rankings, particularly if you know how to configure it for the best results. While some WordPress plugins require minimal configuration and ongoing oversight, this is... by Ian Garlic | May 4, 2010 | Google
Why is there such a battle to be in the #1 slot of a Google search result page? To be seen first, to have an online reputation of being the best? Producing the best information? Of course you want to be the best, but why not be #1 on result page 2 or 3? What’s... by Ian Garlic | Jan 1, 2010 | Facebook, SM Marketing, Twitter
Facebook had an amazing year during 2009. They added over 200 million new users and raised twice as much revenue as Twitter. While Twitter and Facebook continue to battle it out 2009 has partially been about opening up its data and profiles. This year has been far... by Ian Garlic | Dec 19, 2009 | aW Marketing, ORM, SM Marketing
The option to put your Facebook “feed” on your YouTube homepage is now available. It isn’t live on all accounts quite yet but you can enable it by enabling “Connect to Facebook” in your YouTube account settings. When you enable this...