by Ian Garlic | Dec 19, 2009 | aW Marketing, ORM, SM Marketing
The option to put your Facebook “feed” on your YouTube homepage is now available. It isn’t live on all accounts quite yet but you can enable it by enabling “Connect to Facebook” in your YouTube account settings. When you enable this... by Ian Garlic | Aug 5, 2009 | aW Marketing
This is a story that is all a twitter. Mashable reported engagement and usage of Twitter by teenagers to be in the low (ahem) teens. Young ins are not using Twitter, but another recent article says that Fortune 500 use of Twitter is significantly on the rise. What... by Ian Garlic | Apr 20, 2009 | aW Marketing
Transparency is the buzz word of 2009. With AIG, Bernard Madoff and the entire financial industry have duped the world of millions of dollars. The population wants to know all of the doings of every company. All of our pasts (and present) are quickly becoming a...